Press Release

DBRS Morningstar Publishes a Commentary on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Fallout and the Credit Risk Exposure Mapping of U.S. RMBS Sectors

April 13, 2020

DBRS, Inc. (DBRS Morningstar) published a commentary outlining Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) fallout and the Credit Risk Exposure Mapping of U.S. RMBS sectors. In this commentary, DBRS Morningstar provides a comprehensive framework for assessing the range of exposed fundamental and structural risks in various U.S. RMBS sectors to the current crisis, covering the following topics:

-- Differences between market and economic conditions preceding the Financial Crisis 2008–09 and the ongoing coronavirus crisis.
-- Overall U.S. RMBS Credit Risk Exposure Mapping to coronavirus effects.
-- Estimated rank-order of intrinsic (unstructured) pool credit risk by U.S. RMBS sector.
-- Deal-level negative and positive risk influences, including structural and operational factors, as well as borrower support considerations.

The commentary is available at

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